Managing money can be complicated. There’s budgeting, saving, credit cards, investments, loans, retirement planning, insurance, and more. Add to that the constant fluctuations in the economy, and the need to stay adaptive in your financial planning becomes even more apparent. The good news? You can find support and guidance from personal finance blogs. These websites … Read more

Insurance: 7 Disruptive Ideas Changing the Insurance 

The insurance industry has been greatly disrupted in recent years, in large part due to digital transformation. The ripple effects of that transformation have driven widespread insurance innovation — no aspect of insurance functions (for both carriers and their customers) is exempt. As you might expect, this has had a disruptive effect on operations. An Ernst … Read more

7 Personal Finance Companies You Should Consider

Anxious about finances? Well, you’re not alone. Recent studies show that 72% of Americans suffer from financial stress. Living paycheck to paycheck or worrying over bills can have damaging long-term impacts on anyone’s life. Therefore, it’s important to get your finances in order, even if it means reaching out for financial help.   There are thousands … Read more

The 7 best finance websites you should bookmark right now 

Not everyone has a background in finance and not everyone can afford a financial adviser. Luckily for all of us, we live in the era of the Internet. For that reason, we have compiled a list with the best finance websites where you can learn all about the finance world: from the available finance careers … Read more

7 Best Auto Finance News Blogs to Follow Right Now

When researching or educating yourself on auto finance, it’s important to read a variety of auto finance blogs to gather different perspectives and ideas to apply to your business. The following list consists of our favorite auto finance news sources and blogs we read regularly for education, tips, tricks, and more. 1. Automotive News Image … Read more

Top Business Financing Options for Small Businesses

More than 60% of small businesses struggle with cash flow issues. As a result, nearly a third of all small business owners struggle to pay vendors, employees, or themselves. When unexpected and uncontrollable setbacks like recessions, pandemics, or natural disasters occur, the need for a cash flow safety net becomes even more critical. Cash flow issues and … Read more

5 Best Revenue-based Financing Companies

The global revenue-based financing (RBF) market is set to witness significant expansion, with Allied Market Research forecasting the sector to reach a staggering $42.35 billion by 2027.  As more startups seek flexible and alternative financing options to fuel their growth, revenue-based financing companies have emerged as key players in this rapidly evolving industry.  These innovative firms provide capital … Read more

7 Best Financing Companies and 2024

From opening a new medical practice to expanding a restaurant chain, having the latest machinery and technology upgrades helps you stay relevant and ahead of the competition. With equipment financing, you can purchase the equipment you need to successfully run your business without depleting your working capital. The most common lenders for equipment loans are banks … Read more

7 Best Asset-Based Finance Companies To Consider in 2023

Are you looking for a trustable asset-based finance company that lets you quickly access money without going through the lengthy and wasting application process? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place. Asset-based funding, one of the best alternatives to bank loans, can be a great way to launch and grow your … Read more

Top UK Personal Finance Companies to Consider in 2024

Cash? Never heard of it. These days, consumers expect their financial services to be instant and digital. The sector’s top performers are meeting this demand with services that feel effortless. Personal loans can be handy when you need funding in a pinch for a big expense. Choosing a personal loan with a longer repayment term gives you more time … Read more